Banned Casinos: This page was created
for the purpose of discouraging corrupt on-line gaming
organizations. It is created
from valid information provided by industry players,
editors and watchdogs. It lets you know which casinos to avoid. Unfortunately there
is a significant number of online
casinos that scam people like you and me.
Its after losing
thousands of dollars in potential profit that we have
created this section. Our website has huge overheads of advertising costs, we make
money by referring players to selected casinos. The
casinos in return pay us for these players, this is how we
do business. While we were lucky
thus far, our luck finally ran out.
View the full list here.
May 2013: While updating the website I
was organizing the bingo section for an up
coming advertising campaign. I had noticed a
payment from was overdue. I was
happy to see a balance due and decided that I
was going to significantly increase their
exposure seeing that I was not really marketing
bingo much lately but bingogala still produced
earnings. I emailed First
they said they will pay me and I need to select
a payment option, in this case moneybookers.
After I informed them about the payment option I
received this email:
“After consulting with
the Affiliate Team they have confirmed that you
haven't actually been promoting Bingo Gala for
some time. Based on this I refer to the section
below in the Terms and Conditions: 3.4
Affiliate accounts which have not actively been
promoting the game/site or affiliate accounts
with less than 5 created and funded player
accounts in the last 30 days can at the
discretion of management be disabled and any
pending payments forfeited. This means that
your affiliate account has now been disabled and
the payment has been declined based on the above
section of our Terms and Conditions."
funny how companies do this, you spend money on
them, you bring them clients, they make money
and when its time for them to pay your share
they quickly scramble for an excuse not to.
Conclusion: If they treat their business
partners this way ( and we bring them the
business ) imagine what they are doing to the
players. WARNING - Don't get scammed by
Bingogala. I highly recommend you play anywhere
else, you can select an honest bingosite here:
these casinos:

Early 2008: A payment from was overdue for
months. I emailed the inquiry with no response. I then
sent 10 emails to and I never got
any response. Seeing they don't have a phone number to
contact them I did some research. I discovered that belongs to the "virtual casino group".
From their website I acquired some more email addresses.
I emailed;;;;;;;;;; and got a
response from one person Oswaldo. I explained the
situation to him and got no response. I sent again to
him and got the exact same email in return "How may I
help you...", indicating it was just an auto responder.
I again sent 10 more emails to all of the above
addresses explaining the situation with no response.
Conclusion: If they
treat their business partners this way ( and we bring
them the business ) imagine what they are doing to the
players that spend real money.
get scammed by these casinos.
I highly recommend you play anywhere else, you can
select an honest and tested casino here:
casino . If the Casinos don't pay their advertisers
imaging what they are doing to their players.
these casinos:

- Web Casino
Guide Staff
View the full list
Spring 2007:
It's been a while since I had to write up
another negative article. Business was good and the
casinos I was promoting were honest so I had nothing bad
to report, until I signed up with
First let me begin by giving you brief break down on how
sites like mine earn a living. First we become affiliate
members of a group of online casinos. Then we need to
spend a lot of money advertising. Hopefully someone will
like a casino on our site, signup and we get a small
portion of the profits that particular casino generates.
Spending money on advertising to promote an online
casino that I know little about is risky, so there are a
few tests I do to insure their honesty and integrity.
This is to make sure we and the players don't get
screwed, and our reputation stays clean.
The test:
on March 27th 2007 I clicked through the advertising
link assigned to me by|08171
It leads to .I downloaded the
software, installed it on my computer and opened a new
'real player' account. I then proceed to spend 20£ on
slots. I lost all of the money. At this point made a profit of 20£ . All online
casino affiliate programs offer stats in order to track
everything from how many clicks you are getting to
downloads and money you make. I usually always wait from
24-48 hours for the stats to be updated. To this day my
stats show no activity what so ever, no downloads, no
new players and most important no deposits (money
earned). Which is false of course seeing that I was the
one who spent the money with proof of purchase of
I emailed at
on march 29th 2007 about this issue. They replied later
that day with this: please kindly be advised that
there are no transactions on this account, however your
query has been forwarded to the relevant department and
they will contact you soon with an update.
I emailed back on the same day with
all info on my affiliate account and the email I
received once I signed up as a player through my link.
Explaining everything in detail including how I made the
purchase of chips.
On march 30 2007 emailed me and wanted to
know more info. I again explained everything in detail.
Since that last email ,I have not
heard from them. I emailed all of the following people 5
more times: <>; <>; <>
They are obviously avoiding this
Conclusion: If these casinos
treat their business partners this way ( and we bring
them the business ) imagine what they are doing to the
players that spend real money.
get scammed by these casinos.
I highly recommend you play anywhere else, you can
select an honest and tested casino here:
casino . If the Casinos don't pay their advertisers
imaging what they are doing to their players.
these casinos:



- Web Casino
Guide Staff
View the full list
Spring 2002:
Palace started out OK. My
business contact there was Armando he took care of
Gamblers Palace and Skytower at the time. We did business
with them for over a year with no problems. Then when over
due payments ,approximately $8000, were getting too
late I started to get worried. I emailed Armando and got
very slow replies usually days sometimes weeks later.
Finally after several months he sent me what he thought
would prove that I cashed the checks. He sent me a mixture
of returned checks with my signature on the back and courier
logs. But all the checks that were sent to me were not in
dispute??? He did not send me the checks in question.
The money that was owed to me spanned over several months
mainly from the end of 2000 into 2001. None the less in
good faith I continued doing business through
out 2001.
lost contact with Armando and started a new dialog with
Ray in the
beginning of 2002. We went through the same thing again
like with Armando, I guess we had no choice since this
involved incidents dating back to over a year. Finally Ray
agreed with me on a deal where I was willing to let the
$8000 go and get $2000 instead because it was harder to
prove anything anymore the more time advanced.
then waited again until the end of 2002 and still I didn't
hear a word from him. I finally got in contact with him
again and now he is telling me that he sent all the proof
in 2002 and will not pay me anything, not even the $2000
the we agreed on.
then gave him an ultimatum. I told him if he doesn't show
me proof of the returned checks with my signature and/or
the bank stamp on the back
proving that I cashed them
ME ALREADY WITHOUT A PROBLEM ) that I would write this
article on them. Well he never showed the checks or paid
me the agreed $2000.
get scammed in by Gambler's Palace or Sky Tower.
I highly recommend you play anywhere else from any of our
on our site. If the Casinos don't pay their advertisers
imaging what they are doing to the players.
these casinos:
- Web Casino
Guide Staff
View the full list here.